Notes From The Wheel


PEA: Prison Rape Elimination Act- Final Rule


Social Networks, Delinquency, and Gang Membership: Using a Neighborhood Framework to Examine the Influence of Network Composition and Structure in a Latino Community

As part of the Social Networks, Delinquency, and Gang Membership project, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, social network data were collected from youth in a small, at-risk neighborhood.

Results indicated that individuals with multiple, separate groups of friends have greater constraints on their behavior and are less likely to be delinquent. Results also suggested that networks with very low densities (fewer connections) are more successful contexts for intervention.

These findings are relevant to developing appropriate delinquency programs and shed light on the efficacy of neighborhood-based interventions.


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Exploring the links: Eating Disorders & Sexual Violence
This online resource collection offers information on the intersections of sexual violence and eating disorders. Recent research and practice efforts have shown links between sexual victimization during childhood or adolescence and developing an eating disorder. To provide more informed services, people working in anti-violence movements can review the resources in this online resource collection on sexual violence, trauma, and eating disorders.

Findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: Implications for Prevention
In December 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the initial findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). This survey became the subject of hundreds of news stories about the prevalence of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking. In this web conference, we share results of the survey and explore the implications for prevention efforts.


Content Title & Date



Test: VAWNET Newsletter 12.01.10

December/January 2010/11


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